I do believe congratulations are in order!
My cousin's wife just gave birth to twins a couple of days ago..

Boy boy & Girl girl!
I've never been an aunt before! So congratulations to me upgrading to aunt status!!
Muahahaha, all my life i've always been the niece..
can you imagine my youngest aunt is actually in PRMARY SCHOOL NOW?
WTF, Since she was born she already got a niece - which is obviously me lah.
And there's never been any twins in my extended family!
Which makes it even more exciting for me, hehe i wonder how would they look like when they're older?
I'm not particularly fond of kids, i don't go awww and all squirm-ish when i see a baby..
never even held a baby before, not because i'm not trusted with doing that,
but because i don't normally want and not sure how to handle them?
And i'm really worried i might snap their bones like kit-kat accidentally or something?
Ok i guess that statement doesn't reflect me as being an aunt in the best way.
I hope my cousin don't read this, i don't think they will let me carry
my niece and nephew at all haha!
And yes i've picked out my winner for the BEN&JERRY'S IPHONE CASE!
I really didn't expect the response to be SO CRAZY, I just picked a winner randomly,
have already emailed the winner! (:
It was boyf's 24th birthday just afew days back..
and surprised boyf when i showed up at his doorsteps at 12.15am with my
home-baked super chocolate-y brownies + Ben & Jerry's Ice cream.
(lol, purposely reach late so he will feel sad like nobody celebrate with him hehe i'm such a sadist?!)

Hello, happy 24th love! (:

I went to the B&J website that day and saw that they have the new flavor,
Peanut Butter Cup (It's peanut butter ice cream with mini Reese cups)
If you haven't tried Reese cups before, go grab a bag from the Hershey's store
right outside Universal Studio! It's the best chocolate-peanut butter choc.
And this is coming from the peanut butter hater.
So trust me when i say it's good, it's reaaaaaally good.
Ok coming back to B&J Peanut Butter Cup ice cream,
i went to the 7-11 store near my place and expected to grab a tub of haagen daaz
or whatever ice cream that's available.. but i spotted the B&J Peanut Butter Cup!!!!
Omg i didn't even know that they stock B&J's! Mad happy!

Mad sinful combination. Ahhhh but it's soooo good!
hahahas Whoops so thick skinned say my own baking damn good.
Boyf was very touched that i bothered to come and celebrate his birthday with him,
even his parents go out play majong until midnight also not home yet!
So he's like home with the maid and dogs. lol so sad.
Very touched.. so he treat me to some really AWESOME Crab beehoon!!!
Seriously the BEST crab beehoon out there.

And as usual i always get the crab claws! Noms!
Oh have i forgotten to mention what my birthday gift to him is? :D

A trip to Phuket, Thailand!
Oh yeah we're leaving for our short beach vacation on Tuesday.
I've been keeping this secret since June, what a torture!
Left quite a big hole in my pocket, afterall i went to Tioman for my diving course, Genting trip with my ex-colleagues and a 5-day trip to Bangkok within this 3 months! LOTS OF $$$ SPENT!
Going to Milly's tomorrow to get my mani/pedi done before phuket! (:
Will be bringing my mummy's netbook along so i can still blog when i'm there,
I'm so ready for the sun and beach!
Loves, TheLuckiestChick
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